Commercial cleaning for medical offices

August 14, 2014 - Construction Design & Engineering

Victoria Amador Boston's Best Commercial Cleaning

Commercial cleaning for medical offices and waiting rooms is extremely important because these are areas people need and want to feel are clean and hygienic.
If you think about it, this just makes sense.
After all, how much faith would you put in a specialist that might be performing surgery on you? You probably wouldn't feel reassured if you visited his offices and found them sloppy, dirty and disorganized.
There is a very real concern about germs that abound in medical areas which can be spread for days if not sanitized.
Making sure medical offices, labs and waiting rooms are squeaky clean should be high on the priority list for any physician or office manager.
Keeping things sanitary requires thorough, regular cleaning by a team of professionals provided by a top-notch commercial cleaning service.
Commercial Cleaning for Medical Offices in Boston
At Boston's Best Commercial Cleaning service, we understand the importance of maintaining the highest level of cleanliness and sanitation in medical offices of all kinds, as well as the sensitivity of patient records and drugs on the premises.
You never have to worry what kind of people are coming into your building at night to clean your offices when you hire Boston's Best because all of our employees undergo thorough background checks.
Nor do you need to have any concerns about the quality of our work. Each of our employees has been professionally trained and can be depended on to do the job correctly. But, if by some chance you aren't satisfied, just let us know and we'll come back and do it over.
It always helps to know that your cleaning service uses nothing but competent and trustworthy employees and that's exactly what we provide.
Checklist for Cleaning
Our employees have a checklist for cleaning your medical offices and waiting rooms that is based on our standard "5 star hotel clean" policies. Here are just a few of the things we will do when cleaning your facility:
* Empty all waste receptacles
* Clean hard surface floors
* Vacuum carpeted areas
* Clean break room and/or kitchen
* Clean and disinfect restrooms
* Dust furniture
* Clean light fixtures, baseboards, counters and ceilings
* And more
Our staff uses a unique U-Shaped cleaning plan that ensures every surface is thoroughly cleaned.
Victoria Amador is the CEO of Tremendous Maid and Boston's Best Commercial Cleaning, Jamaica Plain, Mass.


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