Connecticut chapter CCIM induction of 2013 directors and member meeting held

December 20, 2012 - Connecticut

New directors of CCIM

Connecticut CCIM Chapter held their 2012 annual meeting & installation of officers at the Il Palio's Restaurant on November 13. The chapter's guest speaker Bill Purcell, CCR, CAE, president of the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce, spoke about the Fairfield County marketplace, the drivers of the regional economy, a primer on how important it is to belong to a chamber of commerce, or numerous chambers, as they have the access to the real movers and shakers in the business community as well as their local state and federal legislative delegations. He also gave market review on activity in office, industrial and retail absorption and again, talked about some of the highline transactions and large employers in the area. Like CCIM, Purcell holds the CCR and CAE designations, which are the highest in the chamber of commerce and his association fields.
Also speaking was Wayne D'Amico, CCIM, recently inaugurated as the 2013 CCIM Institute national president. D'Amico stated that there are about 20,000 CCIM's internationally now, and even while the institute has had to make budget cuts and downsize the organization to adjust to today's economy and the amount of people in the industry who are interested in taking our courses and eventually becoming CCIM's. D'Amico will appear at a future meeting to talk more about the institute and his role nationally. As a side bar, D'Amico was also able to outline many business deals he's received from his service on CCIM committees, including selling a former Wal-Mart and replacing it with a Lowes Home Improvement store. The audience was impressed.
Steve Patten, CCIM, 2012 Connecticut CCIM president, who was pinned two years ago and jumped right into the presidency also addressed the audience. Patten pointed out all of the past presidents in the room, thanked them for all of their years of service, and was generally so grateful to be part of such a warm and cohesive group, who bring everyone so much professional satisfaction.
Ending the busy and lively evening, was 2013 president, Fred Petrella, CCIM, who was president back in 2004, shows the level of commitment people have who will come back and serve.
Petrella talked about some of the plans for 2013, including a member survey which will be forwarded to the membership to assist the board in their planning. We expect again this coming year to have meetings that really enhance CCIM designees or candidates minds for techniques and skills to bring back to their offices to assist their clients and customers.
Finally, Petrella lined up all of the board members for a photo opportunity, and national president, Wayne D'Amico, using his trusty IPad, inaugurated the group. It was also a real compliment to the group that our sponsors came to have dinner with everyone and they are:
The BL Companies, represented by Geoff Fitzgerald, PE
Bill Jackson and Eric Schreijack from JP McGuire
The Law Firm of Robinson and Cole
A message was also given to the folks in the room, that if anyone would like to host a meeting in 2013, they should contact any board member, as we do like moving the meetings around the state so that we can see CCIM's from all areas of Connecticut.
Shown (from left bottom row) are: Wayne D'Amico/CCIM- 2013 CCIM Institute president; Fred Petrella/CCIM - 2013 CT chapter president; Michael Guidicelli/CCIM and Kyle Roberts, 2013 CT chapter directors. Shown (from left top row) are: Joel Witkiewicz/CCIM, 2013 CT chapter secretary, Jack Lynch/CCIM, and Stan Gniazdowski/CCIM, 2013 CT chapter directors, Gus Ryer, David Almeida and Gary Bellard/CCIM, 2013 CT chapter directors, Steve Patten/CCIM, 2013 Imm. past president, Jeff Ryer/CCIM, 2013 CT chapter president-elect and Bryan Atherton/CCIM, 2013 CT chapter director. Missing from the photo are Frank Micali/CCIM, 2013 CT chapter director and Peter Stergos/CCIM, 2013 CT chapter treasurer.


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