Connecticut/Western Massachusetts SIOR chapter holiday meeting

December 18, 2014 - Connecticut

Shown (from left) are: David Glissman, Adam Winstanley, Frank Hird, SIOR, and Jeff Ryer, SIOR.

The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter of the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors recently held their winter holiday meeting and dinner at The Hartford Club. Thirty-six members and guests were in attendance. The chapter would like to thank Winstanley Enterprises for generously sponsoring the event, and to extend a special thanks to Adam Winstanley for providing an insightful presentation.

Winstanley Enterprises has completed a myriad of successful real estate developments throughout New England over the past 25 years. The Chapter members and guests greatly appreciated the opportunity to hear the perspective of a highly esteemed developer.
Adam Winstanley's talk focused on real estate trends in New England and beyond. He addressed the trending of more and more mixed-use developments; specifically, growing demand for residential to be located in town centers and for office and industrial to be located close to retail and other amenities. He stressed the need for real estate professionals to think outside the box and to create adaptive reuse strategies. Adam referenced examples of recent Winstanley developments including Norwichtown Commons in Norwich; 176 Newington Ave. in the Elmwood section of West Hartford; the Alexion Pharmaceutical development in New Haven; Great Pond Village in Windsor; and Bakery on Main in East Hartford.
Also in attendance was another chapter sponsor, David Glissman from the law firm, McDermid Reynolds & Glissman, P.C. The chapter is very grateful for David's significant contribution of legal work in rewriting the chapter by-laws, achieving compliance with SIOR national standards.


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