The CoreNet Global - New England Chapter is halfway through a successful fall season. Between learning from CRE professionals at the Leadership 2.0 and Young Leaders Professional Development Program sessions, connecting with fellow chapter sponsors for an appreciation night, or giving back at the chapter’s Annual Charitable Golf Tournament, our New England Chapter members know how to make the most of their membership and stand for CoreNet Global’s core values to Connect, Learn, Grow, Belong, and Give Back.
Save the date for our 2024 Awards of Excellence which will be held on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at Westin Seaport in Boston! We’re excited to recognize and celebrate both individuals and organizations for outstanding leadership and highlight projects in the Corporate Real Estate industry for their accomplishments made in 2023. Award submissions are now open and close on December 1st – to learn more about our people and project award categories, criteria, requirements and submissions, please visit our website or email
Our New England Chapter gathered in Denver on October 28-30 for CoreNet Global’s North America Summit. The summit focused on the power of perspective, zooming in on the ability to navigate change, disruption, and uncertainty in a world that has become increasingly turbulent and volatile. The two-day annual conference welcomed CoreNet members from around the world, and was comprised of multiple panels, presentations, and networking opportunities. More than 85 of our New England Chapter members joined the more than 2,000 total attendees, and we were so proud to have nine of our New England Chapter members lead or participate in various panels and presentations.

We held our 22nd Annual Golf Tournament on Thursday, October 5 at Pinehills Golf Club – the weather certainly cooperated as we enjoyed mild temps and sunshine on the links! The tournament is held annually to bring together our members for a day of golf, networking, and fundraising efforts for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston – we’re excited to announce that this year we raised more than $13,000 through raffle ticket sales, mulligan sales, and additional efforts! Thank you to our 2023 Tournament Sponsor: Timberline Construction and to all of our incredible sponsors that supported this year’s tournament, your support is truly appreciated. All 56 Foursome participants and the 20 Golf Clinic participants enjoyed a great day and we thank everyone for their support and participation in a successful event. We are excited to be back at Pinehills next year for our 23rd Annual Tournament on Thursday, October 3, 2024 - please save the date!

On Thursday, September 28, our Sponsorship Committee held their Annual Sponsor Appreciation Event at JLL Boston. More than 170 guests enjoyed cocktails and delicious bites while mingling with fellow chapter sponsors while overlooking the city view of Post Office Sq. Our New England Chapter Support from our sponsors are one of the main reasons we are able to achieve the success we do. To all of our Corporate Partners, Founders Circle Platinum Sponsors, Founders Circle Gold Sponsors, and Founders Circle Silver Sponsors - we could not be the New England Chapter without you!
More details about sponsorship benefits can be found on our website here. For any membership or sponsorship-related questions, please reach out to Karyn Houde, our executive director.

discussion, October 19, 2023
The University Relations Committee is sharing all things CRE to college students one Boston-area school at a time. They started off the academic year at Babson College on Wednesday, September 27, where a handful of students gathered to learn more about the industry from New England Chapter members: James Mandeville (CBRE), August Russo (Iron Mountain), Brynn Lockyer (CBRE), and Megan Punzak (Seyon). They have since presented to students at Boston College on Wednesday, October 18. They’re next presentation is scheduled for Thursday, November 9 at Wentworth Institute of Technology.
The Career Strategies + Development Committee and DEI Committee joined forces to co-host a panel discussion on Thursday, October 19 at JLL Boston. The multi-generational panel led the program’s discussion Building Relationships on Common Ground, which was centered around fostering strong connections and nurturing relationships in the professional realm. It is through programs like these where we continue to provide value for our members and the CRE industry at all levels of their career!
On Tuesday, October 24, The Programs Committee welcomed New England Chapter Members into the Winthrop Center by MP Boston for the Architecture of Experiences panel discussion and Cambridge Associates Tour Event. Thank you to our event sponsors for supporting this program: Primary - Cummings, Structure Tone, COR/MillerKnoll, Communication Design Associates; Secondary - IA Interior Architects.
Our 2023 Young Leaders Professional Development Program is nearing completion and the cohort is preparing for their final presentation: From Zero to One: Understanding and Embracing AI in Corporate Real Estate happening Wednesday, November 8 from 8AM-10AM at WHOOP HQ (545 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA). Moderator and member of the 2023 YLPDP Cohort Jennie Kang will be discussing artificial intelligence with panelists: Nadine Ezzie, Founder + President, Ezzie + Co and James Scott, Research Scientist, Lecturer, Real Estate Transformation Lab, MIT’s Center for Real Estate. Please join us to support this talented cohort and watch their final presentation - Register today!
Interested in joining the 2024 Young Leaders Professional Development Program Cohort or do you know of a Young Leader at your company or in your network who is well-suited for the program? The nine-month program begins in January 2024 - See the application here - the deadline is November 15 by 5PM. Please reach out to Avery Stankus with any questions.

by The Young Leaders Committee at Boston Art, December 2022.
Our highly-anticipated event of the year, the Annual Holiday Party hosted by The Young Leaders Committee, is happening on Thursday, November 30 at Boston Art (21 Drydock Ave, 7th Floor, Suite 710E, Boston) from 5:30PM-8:30PM. All are welcome to attend! The event will help support the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston’s Holiday Gift Program to help meet the needs of children in the Boston area around the holidays through raffle items and direct donations. Thank you to our event sponsors: BostonArt, Red Thread, Steelcase, and Elaine Construction - we hope to see you there!
Maureen Rystrom is the president/chair of CoreNet Global New England Chapter and vice president of marketing | partner at J. Calnan & Associates, Quincy Mass.