Appraisal Institute
The Connecticut Chapter of the Appraisal Institute is offering a 3-hour continuing education program, Introduction to Vineyard and Deed Restricted Land Valuation, followed by a networking social which includes a wine tasting on September 19, at Jones Family Farm, Shelton, Conn.
CT, MA, NY, and RI have farmland preservation programs which protect the existing use of agricultural land. Whether it be a multi-acre tract or a portion of a single-family property, the state programs place conservation easements, purchase development rights, and acquire properties in order to prevent over development.
This program will provide timely real estate related valuation perspectives to attendees which will assist in their preparation of well-documented and supported sales comparison analyses when appraising agricultural land.
The CE session will consist of three individual presentations and a property tour:
• Vineyard and Wineries - the Owner’s Prospective;
• Valuation of Deed Restricted Land;
• Financing of Deed Restricted Properties; and
• Vineyard Tour.
• Philip Jamie Jones, owner of Jones Family Farm and Winery.
• Richard Hermonot, Farm Credit East, consultant/certified general appraiser.
• Nicholas Gardner, Farm Credit East, certified general appraiser/commercial loan officer.
Fee for the course:
• Introduction to Vineyards & Deed Restricted Land Valuation CE Session - $75 member; $90 others.
• Networking Social/Wine Tasting - $25
• CE Session & Networking Social/Wine Tasting - $85 member; $100 others.
CE Credit
State of CT – Real Estate Appraisal Commission 3 Hours AI - 15 points
Register at www.ai-ct.org
“This Educational Program was developed and organized by the Appraisal Institute Chapter offering the program with the intent of addressing topic(s) of current local interest solely for educational and informational purposes. The Appraisal Institute national organization was not involved in developing or organizing the Program.
The content of this program, including but not limited to any written materials and presenter comments, does not represent the viewpoint of the Appraisal Institute (defined as including but not limited to, the national organization, its regions, chapters, members, candidates, affiliates and staff) unless formally adopted by the national board of directors. Further, the Appraisal Institute has not peer-reviewed or approved the content of the program and does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of the content of the program. The content of the program is subject to court decisions and local, state and federal laws and regulations and any such revisions of such laws and regulations.
This program is presented with the understanding that the Appraisal Institute is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice or services. Nothing in the program is to be construed as the offering of such advice or services. If expert advice or services are required, attendees and readers are responsible for obtaining such advice or services from appropriate professionals.”
Appraisal Institute To Launch New Association Management System
The Appraisal Institute is implementing a new Association Management System (AMS). The new AMS is forecast to go live October 1.
On October 1 there will be changes to the My Account portion of the Appraisal Institute website which will enhance your online user experience.
During September 26-30, significant service functionalities will not be available to you either via the Appraisal Institute website or through contacting Appraisal Institute staff. Among the functionalities which will not be available are:
• Registration for most Appraisal Institute courses, seminars and other education events.
• Purchases of textbooks, webinars and other items in the AI online store.
• Self-service features available in My Account.
From September 26-30, education certificate availability will also be limited.
Access to Appraisal Institute’s public website, appraisalinstitute.org, online learning features and access to education transcripts will remain available. Important note, while online learning will be available, if you complete a program between September 26 and October 1, the program completion will not be recorded until after October 1. If you have a license renewal on September 30, it is highly recommended that you complete your program by end of day September 25.
We ask that you please plan ahead for this service disruption.
Thank you for your patience as we implement this upgrade.
You may contact the Appraisal Institute Service Center with any questions at aiservice@appraisalinstitute.org or 888-756-4624. For education related questions, please contact education@appraisalinstitute.org or 312-335-4207 or the CT Chapter at connecticut_chapte@sbcglobal.net or 860-482-9992.
Jacqueline Beauchaine executive director Appraisal Institute Connecticut Chapter, Maine Chapter and Region IV.