CT/western Mass. chapter of SIOR holds winter holiday meeting

December 21, 2018 - Connecticut

Darien, CT Twenty-two Connecticut/western Massachusetts SIOR Chapter members, guests, and sponsors held their winter holiday meeting at Woodway Country Club. R.D. Scinto, Inc. graciously sponsored the event which included a regular business meeting, a Mexican themed dinner and drinks, and bowling. Outgoing chapter president Jeff Ryer was recognized for his service and contributions to the chapter over the past several years, particularly his leadership as president over the last two years. All those in attendance had an opportunity to toast Ryer, while enjoying the camaraderie of each other over a round of ten-pin bowling. 

The Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter is one of 48 chapters of the international organization, the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR). Commercial real estate professionals must meet rigorous requirements to earn the SIOR designation. SIOR, founded in 1941, has over 3,200 members in 685 markets located in 36 countries. SIOR represents today’s most knowledgeable, experienced, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. The SIOR designation stands unchallenged for excellence in the performance of real estate services, and is universally recognized as the prerequisite in the selection of a commercial real estate broker, agent, or consultant. 

Please visit the chapter’s website (www.siorct.com) to find additional information on the Connecticut/Western Massachusetts chapter, chapter members, and upcoming events. 



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