Cummings Properties earns Energy Star certifications for 18 Commerce Way and 500 Cummings Center buildings

April 21, 2011 - Green Buildings

500 Cummings Center - Beverly, Ma

Two Cummings Properties buildings, 18 Commerce Way in Woburn and 500 Cummings Center in Beverly, have earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Energy Star certification. Cummings now has seven properties with this distinction, signifying the achievement of strict energy performance levels set by the EPA, as well as performance in the top 25% of similar facilities nationwide for energy efficiency.
Gary Gresh, Cummings Properties' sustainability manager, said, "Cummings has a longstanding commitment to energy efficiency. In addition to being the right thing to do for the environment, our clients save on operating costs, which helps us attract more client firms. Everyone wins."
Built in 2004, 500 Cummings Center's original design included many "green" features, including high efficiency lighting and water source heat pumps, as well as motion sensors and variable frequency drives. After a waiting period during which the necessary data to apply to Energy Star was gathered, 500 Cummings Center was awarded the certification on its first attempt.
Built in 1996, 18 Commerce Way underwent a comprehensive, three-year energy efficiency upgrade in preparation for its Energy Star evaluation. The modifications included changing all 850 lights in the building to high efficiency fixtures; installing variable frequency drives on the loop pumps and cooling tower fan; upgrading the cooling tower fan to high efficiency; installing motion sensors in the hallways; and installing a vending miser on the vending machine.
NSTAR, the building's electric utility provider, was a full partner in all of the improvements at 18 Commerce Way. According to Gresh, this Energy Star certification would not have been possible without NSTAR's support.
Commercial buildings that earn the certification use an average of 35% less energy than typical buildings and release 35% less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These environmental benefits can have a positive impact on a company's bottom line, as research shows significant portions of the population prefer to work for or do business with organizations they perceive to be environmentally responsible.
Cummings Props. has a long history of sustainable business practices including building renovation and reuse; energy-saving design, construction, and property maintenance; utilization of recycled materials and equipment; and reduction of waste through recycling programs. Other Cummings buildings that have earned the Energy Star rating are 900 Cummings Center in Beverly, 92 Montvale Ave. in Stoneham, 196 Boston Ave. in Medford, and 370 and 420 Hemenway St. in Marlborough.


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