Daniel McKee 2012

September 13, 2012 - Rhode Island

Daniel McKee, Town of Cumberland

Name: Daniel McKee
Title: Mayor
Company: Town of Cumberland, RI
Location: 45 Broad Street, Cumberland, RI
Birthplace: Cumberland, RI
Family: Wife, Susan; son, Matthew and daughter, Kara
College: Assumption College
First job unrelated to your current field: Realtor
First job in current field: Served on the Cumberland Town Council
Hobbies: Golf
Favorite novel: "Greatest Game Ever Played"
Favorite film: "It's a Wonderful Life"
Keys to success: Persistence. Always giving it your best effort. Remember, good enough is not good enough.
Person you admire most (outside of family): Coach John Wooden
Why should a business move into your city? Cumberland is a business friendly town and welcomes anyone interested in moving their business here. Cumberland has a low property and vehicle tax rate. There is no tiered rate in Cumberland so businesses do not pay a higher rate. Cumberland is a great community.



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