Danile DeBoo Associate Principal Perkins Eastman

December 02, 2008 - Connecticut

Danile DeBoo

Name: Danile DeBoo
Title: Associate Principal
Company: Perkins Eastman
Location: Stamford, Conn.
Birthplace: Chicago, Ill.
Family: Husband, Charles Benedicto
College: BS, Georgia Institute of Technology; masters, Pratt Institute
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: For the last 25 years, Perkins Eastman has been recognized as the leader in several project types, including education, healthcare, commercial and hospitality. I work mainly with our educational facilities, both domestic and international. On the horizon we see the built learning environment evolving to best support 21st Century professional skills required here in the U.S. and abroad.
Hobbies: Biking, running, hitting a bucket of balls at the driving range
Favorite book: "The Pillars of the Earth," Ken Follett
Favorite movie: "Ground Hog Day" or "Stranger Than Fiction"
Persons you admire most (outside of family): This really changes depending on the subject or current challenges.
Keys to success: Understanding that a status quo does not exist. At any given time, you are either moving forward or falling behind.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Civil engineer, urban planner or statistician


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