David Unger 2013

February 21, 2013 - Green Buildings

David Unger, U.S. Energy Group

Name: David Unger
Title: Chief Operating Officer
Company: U.S. Energy Group
Location: Fresh Meadows, Queens
Place of birth: New York City, N.Y.
Family: Wife, Dana Unger, and two boys: Zachary, 9, and Noah, 7
College: Undergrad, Tulane University. Masters, Columbia University
First job unrelated to your current field: Mexican chef in Jerusalem, Israel
First job in current field: Founder of Media Stream, a web-based application development firm
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Boiler control and energy monitoring. Our plans for the future include enhanced energy management services and water and electric sub-metering.
Hobbies: Yoga, snowboarding, live music.
Favorite novel: The entire "Game of Thrones" series
Favorite film: "Big Fish"
Keys to success: Visionary thinking tied with thorough execution and a dash of constant motivation


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