December 7 IREM Greater RI Chapter 88 installation of officers, ARM installation and 2011 IREM national president visit

January 12, 2012 - Rhode Island

Shown are IREM 2011 National president, Ron Goss, CPM and IREM Greater RI Chapter #88 president Richard Hitt.

Shown (from left) are: Sherr Kriss, chapter secretary; Kerri Furatado, CPM, chapter treasurer; Gisela Medek, CPM, 1st vice president; Anthony Natale, CPM president-elect; Richard Hitt, CPM chapter president; and IREM 2011 national president, Ron Goss, CPM

Shown are Sherri Ferretti of New England In Touch; Sharon Sassi and Candice Polanco of National Investments; Nancy Zarella and Mike Pomeranz of Smoke Clean of NE, Inc.

Shown are Kerri Furtado, chapter treasurer, Bob Cuttle, Region I VP and Karen Cuttle.

Shown are Dan Dyer and James O'Brien of Phoenix Property Management.

Shown are Ron Goos, Rich Piltc, Kerri Furtado, Beverly Courvile, and Steve Sorking.

Shown are Lynn Bousquet, Denise Bousquett, and Kim Perogino of The Simon Companies.

Anne Reynolds of William J. Canning Mgmt.; Jean DiSaia, Edna Richard, Margo Dutcher of New England Realty Trust.

Shown are George Salter and Frank Leporacci from Envrio Clean-In and Michael Casey from Survey Advantage.

Shown are Kathleen Manzi from Phoenix Property Management and Clarie Valainis from Preservation Housing.

Shown are Jeanne Donnelly Taylor of Preservation Housing, Karen Dowell of the New England Real Estate Journal and Nancy Zarella of NE Smoke Clean.

Shown are Shannon Wylie, Ron Serpa, CPMC, and Jason Palermo, CPMC from Picerne Real Estate Group.

On December 7, the IREM Greater RI Chapter 88 held its installation of officers, ARM installation and 2011 IREM national president Ron Goss attended and participated in the night's activities.


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