Avon, MA DH Property Holdings, LLC has acquired an industrial property located at 54 Bodwell St. This is DHPH’s fourth industrial acquisition in the Boston market over the past year and increases their total capitalization in Boston to $120.3 million across 433,450 s/f.
Hertz Realty Group’s Branden Hertz arranged the transaction
The 4.64-acre site accommodates a 70,337 s/f warehouse facility, formerly owned and occupied by Brockton Furnace & Duct Distributors, Inc. The facility offers 85 parking spaces, 13 loading docks and two drive-in doors with 16’ clear ceiling heights. DHPH plans to undergo a capital expenditure program to enhance the building’s functionality.
Situated half a mile mile from Rte. 24 and six miles from I-93, 54 Bodwell St. is located for manufacturing, warehousing, and last mile distribution tenants. It is also located in the same Industrial Park as 61 Strafello Dr., DHPH’s recently-acquired 4.5-acre site and 60,000 s/f industrial facility. Ovar Osvold from Colliers International will be handling leasing for the available square footage at the property.
In addition to these properties, DHPH has over $2.5 billion under management across more than 5 million s/f of Class-A urban warehouses complete or under development throughout the Northeast, including in New York City, Boston, New Jersey and Philadelphia.
“The Boston market has seen accelerating demand amid a steadily decreasing supply of suitable Class-B industrial spaces with extremely limited site options for development,” said DHPH founder and principal Dov Hertz. “Our team remains focused on delivering highly functional logistics facilities in challenging urban-core locations.”
As part of EIB Ventures I, DHPH has acquired eight Class-B industrial buildings in the Northeast since June 2021, for a total capitalization of $148.8 million across 698,000 s/f.
Founded in 2016 by Dov Hertz, DHPH is a Manhattan-based industrial real estate development, investment and management firm that has been at the forefront of the industrial logistics trend, developing best-in-class distribution warehouses in complex and challenging urban environments. The company developed 640 Columbia St., the first multi-story logistics center in New York City.