Discovering the additional benefits of the DumpsterDome: Keeping the elements out and cleanliness of your job sites

October 27, 2009 - Spotlights


In an effort to reduce the costs associated with construction debris disposal, many builders, contractors and other construction professionals have enlisted the help of the DumpsterDome dumpster covering system and they're now finding there are more benefits to their investment than they anticipated. The patent-pending DumpsterDome helps to reduce dumpster tipping fees by covering the dumpster and keeping the contents protected from rain, snow and ice. This keeps the contents dry and eliminates unnecessary weight gain brought on by water-saturated debris. After only a short time in the field, DumpsterDome users are finding the product not only works as promised, but it's also working as an effective deterrent against unauthorized use of their dumpster and it's improving the overall cleanliness of their job sites—lowering their costs even more.
A common problem experienced by those who pay for disposal services is the misuse by other parties who illegally dump debris into their dumpsters during nights and weekends when the dumpster is left open and unattended. Not only does this mean they must pay for more frequent tipping, it forces them to bear the legal and financial burden of properly disposing of trash that isn't theirs. This responsibility can be especially costly if the illegally dumped materials are hazardous or environmentally dangerous.
"Nothing was more frustrating than to arrive on-site after the weekend to find my dumpster loaded up with the by-products of someone's garage clean-out," says Roland Specter, president of Specter Construction Co. "Car batteries, dirty motor oil, and old tires? I can't just look the other way and have this picked up; I have to pay special fees to have it all safely removed and disposed of. It's a drain on my time, my mind, and my wallet."
"I bought the DumpsterDome to keep the added water weight out of my dumpsters, but since installing it, I haven't had one instance of unwanted trash being dumped inside," Specter continued. "I'm paying to dump my trash, and only my trash, and that's saving me even more than I hoped for."
Comments like these are becoming more and more common, according to Pattie Brockwell, president of Patti Products, creators of the patent-pending DumpsterDome. "The DumpsterDome was invented as a cover to keep dumpster loads light by keeping the elements out. Now, we're finding that rain, snow and ice aren't the only elements it's keeping out, and that's saving our customers even more."
Another added benefit DumpsterDome users are experiencing is the positive impact the DumpsterDome is having on the overall cleanliness of their job sites. By keeping water out of the dumpster, the contents stay dry and there is less tendency for contaminated runoff water to leak out of the dumpster and into the surrounding area.

"The area around the dumpster is often one of the messiest parts of the job site," says Brockwell. "After a storm, the water that slowly leaks from the dumpster keeps the surrounding area wet and muddy long after the rest of the site has dried out. Even worse, if there is garbage or other decaying material in the dumpster, the water carries it out into the surrounding area, causing foul odors and potentially hazardous conditions."
"Many communities now include regulations regarding the need to keep the dumpster and surrounding area "free of odors, insects, debris, overflow and all other nuisances." With a DumpsterDome keeping the contents dry, that runoff is minimized, which results in a much cleaner and safer job site."
Patti Products, Inc. is a woman-owned company founded in 2008. The DumpsterDome is their first product, and is representative of their objective to create and market products designed and manufactured in the USA. More information about the company and the DumpsterDome portable dumpster covering system can be found at


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