Duane Cashin 2013

May 16, 2013 - Connecticut

Duane Cashin, Cashin & Company

Name: Duane Cashin
Title: President & CEO
Company: Cashin & Company
Location: Hartford, Connecticut
Place of birth: West Point, New York
Family: Happily married for 27 years. I have two sons. One is an Aeronautical Engineer for Scaled Composites located in the Mojave Desert and my second son operates the largest excavator that Caterpillar manufactures and is located in Texas.
College: Southern Connecticut State University, University of Hartford and Trinity College
First job unrelated to your current field: Paper boy
First job in current field: Director of Sales for Tony Parinello
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? We focus on New Business Development & Business Growth Strategy. Results - Increased revenues, shorter sales cycle, larger deal size, lower cost of sale and increased referrals.
Hobbies: Woodworking
Favorite novel: "Atlas Shrugged"
Favorite film: "Rudy"
Keys to success: Possess a purpose to work and life, fired by passion, guided by common sense and knowledge and get up after every fall.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Richard Branson
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Stand-up comic


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