E.L. Harvey & Sons, Inc. receives Innovative Environmental Award

July 23, 2008 - Green Buildings
E.L. Harvey & Sons, Inc. received the
EBEE EBC Award for Outstanding Innovative Environmental Technology Application sponsored
by the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBC) at an awards ceremony held on
June 5 at the Westin Hotel in Waltham.  Accepting the award for E.L. Harvey and Sons
was James Harvey, CEO of E.L. Harvey & Sons, Inc.
This award, established by resolution of the board of directors of the EBC on March 4, 2002, is
presented to an organization that has developed a creative engineering technique, business practice,
project management method, or human resource policy that has resulted in outstanding, distinct
benefit to the environment.  E.L. Harvey & Sons was presented this award in recognition of
outstanding innovative environmental technology application for the development of a processing
facility to recycle construction and demolition materials.
Since 1911, E.L. Harvey & Sons, Inc. have been leaders in the waste management and recycling


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