East Providence uses internet to promote econ. development

June 12, 2008 - Rhode Island
The city of East Providence has a long history of using the internet to disseminate information to the general public on programs, policies, permits and other useful data that makes it that much easier for a resident to get the answers and information they need regarding municipal government. The city was one of the first communities in the state to launch a municipally sponsored "official" city webpage in late 1995. Over the years, our website has evolved to include more information and to make the site more interactive for users visiting the site. In the coming year, additional changes will be made that will make using and navigating our site more useful and productive than ever. The use of video on websites has seen dramatic growth recently and many municipalities are beginning to use video as a means of promoting their communities attributes and amenities.
The city of East Providence is in the process of preparing a web video of its own that will be posted on our webpage and will provide a "snapshot" of our city from a variety of quality of life aspects. The video will describe the city's positive features including its wide variety of housing choices, from affordable to luxury, well maintained quality recreational facilities, natural features and amenities, quality city services and a host of other points that paint a picture of the city's fabric and what it has to offer. The video will also promote the quality opportunities for economic development, including major companies that currently reside or have elected to locate and/or expand in our city. The video medium gives municipalities the opportunity to provide a visual narrative of what their community has to offer. Photographs and written narratives can only go so far in portraying a community's strong points.
The city is in the process of completing the web video and anticipates that it will be online this coming summer. Additional webpage improvements will also be coming online in the near future as well. The city has already added new components that allows residents to pay their taxes online and a Citizens Concern Tracking Program that allows residents to get quick and accurate answers to questions or problems that they may have relating to the city. The potential of the worldwide web grows more exciting with each new innovation. The city will be working to ensure that it will be able to take advantage of all the web has to offer and to utilize this medium as a means of keeping its residents informed and promoting economic developer to a broader regional and national audience.
To learn more about the economic development and/or waterfront development activities occurring in East Providence, visit www.eastprovidence.com or www.eastprovidencewaterfront.com
James Moran is the economic planner for the city of East Providence.


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