EBC Environmental and Energy Industry Summit

October 27, 2011 - Green Buildings
The U.S. economy recovery continues to struggle. Congress is unable or unwilling to pass a jobs bill with infrastructure funding. Massive budget cuts loom at both the federal, state and local level. The risk of a double recession hangs in the air. With these unstable conditions, when and where will future growth opportunities develop for the environmental and energy industries?
This annual EBC Business Summit will provide a reflection on the outlook for the Mass. economy and a forecast of the impact of congressional and presidential activities on environmental and energy businesses. Two experts will present their observations about key government and industry trends for the two major business sectors important to members of the Environmental Business Council: the Environmental Industry (including Climate Change) and the Power and Renewable Energy Industry.
Speakers will focus on policy, legislative and regulatory developments that can have a significant impact to your business.
Speakers include:
* Outlook for the Regional Economy - Is There Hope
Mike Widmer, president, Mass. Taxpayers Foundation
* Pre-Election Outlook for Environment, Energy Industry
Beltway Bullets & Blanks - Where are We? Outlook to 2012
Andrew Paterson, principal, Verdigris Capital
* Energy and Renewable Markets
Daniel Allegretti, vice president Energy Policy Constellation Energy
* Overview of the Environmental Industry and Climate Change Markets
Grant Ferrier, president and CEO, Environmental Business International Editor, Environmental Business Journal and Editor, Climate Change Business Journal
* Panel - Reflections from the Marketplace
Moderator: Charlie Natalie, president, ESS
Panel Members - TBA
We hope you can attend this EBC program and gain a greater understanding of those factors impacting the environmental and energy business sectors and learn how these factors may impact the strategic planning process for your company. The program will be held at Foley Hoag in Waltham on November 4 at 7:30 am - noon. Visit the EBC website for details and to register: www.ebcne.org


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