EBC-NE to co-host Construction and Demo Materials Recycling Summit - January 20

December 22, 2011 - Green Buildings
On January 20, the Environmental Business Council of New England will co-host with the Mass. Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), their Sixth Annual Construction and Demolition Materials Recycling Summit at the Sheraton Tara. The Summit, chaired by Thomas Mackie, managing shareholder of Mackie Shea O'Brien, PC, will provide building owners and contractors with a unique perspective on how the building materials that they no longer have use for are recycled and reused at record levels in Mass. and the New England Region. In particular, the Summit will this year focus on how points for LEED certification by the U.S. Green Building Council are awarded for recycling of construction and demolition materials.
In a unique collaboration, each year at the Summit industry participants and the MassDEP set an agenda for the coming year that is tracked through a series of meetings and initiatives throughout the following year. Again this year, the collaborators in this important effort to increase material recycling will report on the advancements since last year and set the agenda for 2012. MassDEP representatives will be on hand to share their perspectives on the contribution that construction and demolition material recycling has made to achievement of the Commonwealth's ambitious recycling and waste diversion goals. At the same time, industry representatives will discuss and present detailed guidance on best management practices they are employing at their facilities for worker health and safety, materials monitoring, air quality and storm water management.
Although the Commonwealth is far ahead of the rest of the nation in construction and demolition material recycling, more and more recycling is occurring in the other New England States and throughout the U.S. As national and regional leaders in the recycling market, Mass. and New England companies are poised to export their expertise and experience to enhance recycling elsewhere.Summit presenters will provide their perspective on the current status and future for recycling in the region and across the nation.
While development of sustainable markets for recycled C&D materials continues to be a challenge, particularly in the midst of a very slow economic recovery, the industry and other drivers are proud of the successes that they have achieved so far. This year's summit will be another opportunity to celebrate that success and ensure that progress continues. If you would like to attend this year's summit, please log onto the EBC's website athttp://www.ebcne.org/ or call 617 505 1818.


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