Economic Forecast & Past Presidents Recognition Meeting

March 19, 2015 - Spotlights

Shown (from left) are: IREM Boston past presidents Jonathan Donahue, Doug Thayer, Mike Weintraub, Bob Krauss, Chris Mellen, Carol MacDonald, Tom Hilditch, David Barrett and 2015 Chapter president Colleen Costa.

Shown (from left) are: Thomas Hilditch vice president Region 1; Monique DelCompare ARM, Elhamm Holbrook ARM, Toni Larosa ARM, Claudia Leyva-Castillo ARM, Alejandra Recinos ARM and Ana Vieira ARM.

Shown (from left) are: David Barrett, RCM Services; Lester Lloyd, Lloyd Architects; Kyle Pierce, Pierce Properties and Joe McPhee, Boston Land Co.

Shown are Eric Wilson, NEREJRadio personality and Brian Paige, Paige Landscaping.

Shown (from left) are: Thomas Hilditch vice president Region 1 and Reggie Thomas, ARM, Carrington Property Service and 2015 Chapter president Colleen Costa, CPM, ARM.

Shown are Joseph McPhee, Boston Land Company and Maria Benway, Service Master by Gilmore.

Chapter president Colleen Costa, CPM, ARM and economist Elliot Eisenberg.

Shown (from left) are: Paula Solemina, Pro-Care Inc.; David Barrett, RCM Services, and Kevin Fachetti, CPM.

Shown is the Economic Forecast Breakfast sponsor Bill Heinle, Friend of IREM from Roto Rooter.

Shown are 2015 chapter president Colleen Costa, CPM, ARM and 2014 chapter president David Barrett, CPM, ARM.

IREM Boston Metro Chapter 4 held its Economic Forecast & Past Presidents Recognition Breakfast Meeting on January 14 at Granite Links Golf Club.
Elliot Eisenberg, Ph.D. was the guest speaker. He is a nationally acclaimed economist and public speaker specializing in making the arcana and minutia of economics fun, relevant and educational.


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