Eileen Brierley, Senior Commercial Property Manager - Dimeo Properties

August 07, 2008 - Rhode Island

Eileen Brierley

Name: Eileen Brierley, CPM
Title: Senior Commercial Property Manager
Company: Dimeo Properties
Location: 475 Kilvert St., Warwick, R.I. 02886
Family: Married, with one son
College: Bryant College
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am a senior commercial property manager for Dimeo Props. and I hope to continue in this field until I retire. Then hopefully move to someplace warm.
Hobbies: Golf, travel and volunteering for the R.I. Special Olympics
Favorite book: "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker
Keys to success: Commitment and perseverance
Person your most admire: Maya Angelou
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Fund-raiser for non-profit organizations devoted to children's issues and education.


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