Ensuring that REFA and GBREB remain relevant - by Natalie Herald

March 11, 2016 - Financial Digest
Natalie Herald, Fidelity Investments Natalie Herald, Fidelity Investments

As many of the readers know the Real Estate Finance Association (REFA) is one of five divisions that comprise the Greater Boston Real Estate Board (GBREB), a 150-year old institution dedicated to supporting the commercial real estate industry across the commonwealth. All of the divisions within GBREB, including REFA, have active and engaged members that promote knowledge, networking opportunities and community involvement. For 2016 as president of REFA I think about the long history of both REFA and GBREB and how we can ensure the organizations remain relevant for the next 25, 50, 100 years. REFA is not immune to the effects of technological change and like every business operating in today’s world we need to be innovating! How do I think about innovation as it relates to a real estate trade organization? Well I think it encompasses several ideas and it requires asking some thought provoking questions of ourselves: what is our brand? what value are we offering our members? how do we better engage with our stakeholders? are we grooming the next leaders for our organization and industry? With these questions and concepts in mind I have set some goals for myself and the board to effectively communicate what REFA brings to the local real estate community. A focus on programming and content is crucial, as they say content is king. Our programing has always been a lynchpin of REFA’s mandate and we will strive to elevate our content and sponsor more unique programs that add value.

Last year REFA started two important initiatives including a women’s luncheon series and a mentorship program for emerging leaders. The traction has been great and I hope to expand both programs in 2016. Corporate Sponsorship is another area of focus. Growing and developing talent is a key consideration for corporate leaders today and encouraging employees of Corporate Sponsors to get involved is a message that we need to deliver. REFA offers several ways for members to gain leadership skills in addition to providing education and networking opportunities. Participating and leading a REFA committee is a great way to enhance leadership. Our members also have opportunities to promote their company and/or projects through participation on panels. And as always our events provide a forum for people to build valuable relationships within the industry. While we have a range of ways to engage emerging leaders and mid-career professionals I also plan to bring some high value programing to local executive leadership. The agenda for me and the board is packed but I look forward to continuing to strengthen our brand. In short REFA’s mission for 2016 and beyond is to be the area’s most valuable commercial real estate industry organization.

Natalie Herald is a real estate loan originator at Fidelity Investments and is the 2016 president of the Real Estate Finance Association, Boston.



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