EnviroVantage conducts hazardous materials cleanup at University of New Hampshire's 97-unit Forest Park

November 19, 2008 - Construction Design & Engineering

Forest Park before clean-up

Forest Park after clean-up

Forest Park is a thriving community of undergraduate and graduate students and scholars on the campus of the University of New Hampshire.  This 97 unit complex houses a community that hails from 18 different countries. Priority is given to married students and scholars, those in domestic partnerships and those with dependant children.  
Originally built before current environmental laws were enacted, the University of New Hampshire this year funded the hazardous material cleanup on all the outside stairwells. This required the removal of coatings of lead paint, the physical replacement of asbestos transite panels, the abatement of asbestos caulking on the windows, the replacement of rotting wood trim - all to improve and restore the outside conditions to better match the other university buildings. The final step in this renovation consists of fresh coats of paint on the eight two story brick buildings.
Prior to starting the project, EnviroVantage had meetings with the University Housing Office to review the work schedule and to provide information for them to give the tenants about the purpose behind the project. After all, there were going to be "people in white space man clothes" on site, which can be both a curiosity and fear factor for children living in the complex.
Since Labor Day, EnviroVantage has had crews on site wearing their Tyvek suits and masks while performing the abatement tasks. Part of the process required us to ensure that a set amount of work was completed daily so families had access to their apartments at reasonable times during the day. Plus we had to take careful note not to disturb the children's play area.
Another concern expressed by the UNH Housing Office was the duration of the project, with the knowledge that painting can only be applied in relatively warm and dry conditions. Mother Nature has cooperated somewhat this fall and the project will be completed on time, on budget with the quality of work expected by the EnviroVantage crews.


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