Epstein of RPL named president of GPBOR

May 07, 2015 - Rhode Island

Rich Epstein, Residential Properties Ltd.

According to Residential Properties Ltd., Rich Epstein has been named the acting president of the Greater Providence Board of Realtors (GPBOR). Epstein was initially slated to become president in 2016, but was brought on early to complete the remainder of the 2015 term for Donna Andrews who recently accepted the GPBOR's position of CEO. Epstein will be formally sworn in this October at the year end meeting and will begin his official term as president in 2016.
"I am thrilled to be able to be in a position to serve the members of the Providence board," said Epstein. After first becoming involved with the GPBOR in 2007, he has enjoyed a steady path of advancement, working his way up from the grievance committee, to secretary, treasurer, vice president, and now president. Looking back on his early years with the board, Epstein said, "I was happy to contribute in whatever way I could, and was very humbled and flattered to be asked to be in leadership roles."

Epstein says that there are many Realtors that guided him along the way, and that watching past presidents, such as RPL's Libby Isaacson and Chris Wall, gave him some great insight as to what the position entailed.

When asked about the goals for his presidency, Epstein stressed the importance of improving communication. "We have the technology to really be front of mind with our membership. We have a new website rolling out and I hope to leave a very large digital stamp behind."


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