Erland Construction named to repair Springfield College's tornado damage

August 18, 2011 - Construction Design & Engineering

International Hall after tornando, Springfield College

International Hall during repairs, Springfield College

When a tornado caused extensive damage to several buildings on Springfield College's campus, the school hired Erland Construction for help.
Erland is focusing on four buildings that were hit during the storm - International Hall, Reed Hall, Massasoit Hall, and the Power House. Three of the four buildings are student residence halls. Luckily, the storm hit after students had left for the summer and before summer camps began. No one was hurt despite extensive interior and exterior damage to each of the structures.
However, hundreds of students are slated to live in these residence halls in the fall, so they must be move-in ready by the end of this month. While Springfield College is dealing with the insurance companies, Erland is working quickly and diligently to ensure these students have a place to live in two months. Repairs will include new windows, metal panel facades, roofs, glass storefronts and interior doors, ceilings, flooring, light fixtures, and furniture.
The devastation at Springfield College is astounding and we're happy to help however we can to get the school up and running again for the 2011-2012 school year," said Erland's senior vice president and key account manager, Tom Blesso, "I'm happy that we've established the kind of longstanding relationship with Springfield College that they chose us when they needed help."


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