Fantini & Gorga handles $10 million transaction for office complex

October 10, 2007 - Financial Digest

20 Winthrop Square - Boston, MA

Wayne Clough

Fantini & Gorga recently closed a $10 million transaction on an office property located in the Financial District with a nationally known life insurance company. The borrower, A.W. Perry, Inc., was seeking to replace the existing debt in today's appealing interest rate environment.
The property totals 108,000 s/f and includes rehabilitated buildings at 20 Winthrop Sq. and 77-85 Franklin St., one of which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Located in Winthrop Sq., the property offers tenants several public transportation points.
"A.W. Perry is one of Boston's oldest and most respected property owners. We are extremely pleased at having been able to provide them with a level of service that they routinely provide to their tenants," said Wayne Clough, managing director of F&G, who placed the loan with the assistance of Mark Whelan, director.


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