Financial analysis spreadsheet with expanded functionality available from IREM

February 14, 2008 - Connecticut
A financial analysis spreadsheet available from the Institute of Real Estate Management, that helps real estate and asset managers evaluate the performance of their properties has been redesigned to significantly expand its functionality. Originally created for the Asset Analysis courses offered by IREM, the spreadsheet has intuitive design features that enable users to easily analyze property performance based on owners' goals and objectives.
Once performance data is input into the appropriate cells of the spreadsheet, it automatically:
* Amortizes and analyzes property loans
* Completes before-tax cash flow analysis based on investor goals, market data and pro forma statement information
* Establishes market rental rates per unit or square foot using a comparison grid.
* Provides stand-alone discounted cash flow analysis for comparing leases and other income streams
New features and functionality resulting from the spreadsheet redesign include the ability to:
* Analyze information for a 10-year period vs. five years, previously
* Amortize a second loan on a property
* Provide effective interest rate calculations
* Provide integrated after-tax cash flow analysis
The IREM Financial Analysis Spreadsheet, accompanied by a Spreadsheet Essentials document detailing the technical requirements and instructions for usage, is free to IREM members and priced at $39.95 for non-members. It can be ordered in a downloadable ZIP file containing the Microsoft Excel-formatted spreadsheet and PDF-formatted usage instructions by accessing the link on the IREMFIRST section of the IREM web site at


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