Friends of IREM industry breakfast and networking

May 05, 2017 - Owners Developers & Managers

Friends of IREM/industry partner breakfast and networking was held on April 6 in Braintree, with over 40 new potential Friends of IREM/ industry partners and seasoned friends of IREM/Industry Partners in attendance. 

The chapter panel consist of my self, Gregg Jenner, chapter president elect and Maria Benway from Service Master by Gilmore, Friends of IREM committee chair. They talked about the benefits and all that the chapter can offer for your business.

The Friend of IREM Program is a professional association of property managers (many of who are owners and developers) which is affiliated with the National Association of Realtors. We are confident that you will find our organization to be a great networking tool for you. Our chapter encompasses Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.




The Friends of IREM Program, which includes an application, can be found on the chapters website, or by calling 617-436-7565. 

Association with the chapter also affords you the opportunity to conduct seminars, participation in other events such as membership meetings and networking events sponsorship in events such as our Annual Charity Golf Tournament held annually in September and our Installation/Holiday celebration in December. 

We look forward to your company becoming a Friend of IREM. You may contact me or Kelley Hannon, IREM association executive for additional information.

Peter Lewis, CPM is the 2017 president of the IREM Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 and is vice president, property management for The Schochet Cos. AMO, Braintree, Mass.



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