Fulcrum Associates www.fulcrum-nh.com

August 04, 2009 - Northern New England


Fulcrum was founded in 1989, in the depths of the last real estate and banking crisis. Construction work was non-existent at the time, and the firm focused on consulting services for banks with distressed real estate assets. Our original banking clients were soon replaced by the FDIC, RTC and BONHAM, and Fulcrum provided services for all of them. Engagements ranged from construction defect analysis, cost-to-complete estimating, construction repair estimates and asset analysis. Thankfully that work ran it's course, and by 1992 we were back in the construction business.
With the market rebounding strongly, Fulcrum grew quickly into a major player in the regional commercial construction market. From data centers and clean rooms to supermarkets, Fulcrum sought out unusual and challenging projects and gained a reputation for delivering highly complex projects under difficult circumstances and aggressive timelines.
The last 20 years certainly have seen tremendous change in how we as an industry do business.


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