Full steam ahead in 2013

January 17, 2013 - Construction Design & Engineering
Though 2012 will most likely be remembered as the year of the presidential election, the "fiscal cliff" and super storm Sandy, it was also a year that embraced optimism and confidence in an improving economy, particularly within the construction industry. The outlook for construction in Boston in 2013 continues to encourage even the most hardened skeptics. The Boston area continues to experience increased activity in the office construction market as well as the non residential construction sector. Resolution of the "fiscal cliff" brought increased optimism that the market would enjoy additional employment and project gains and early indicators continue to point in that direction.
As an association we will focus on programs and services designed to promote success as the economy turns around and forge ahead with several initiatives including, the launching of our "group health purchasing cooperative" as well as planning the next steps for advancing "retainage reform" . In addition, we have planned a full calendar of educational seminars and events tailored to subcontractors. We will also keep members informed of important business developments and trends through our weekly newsletters, quarterly magazine and special announcements.
We continue to make it our top priority to act as your one-stop business resource and we look forward to building momentum, increasing membership and bringing value to you and your business in 2013. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].
Tom Quinlan is the founder of South Coast Improvement Co., Marion, Mass.


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