Getting to know Alleman and the REFA Hartford chapter

September 20, 2012 - Connecticut

Dudley Alleman, HRP Associates, Inc.

Effective July 1, 2012 Dudley Alleman became president of the Real Estate Finance Association - Hartford chapter. The Hartford and the Fairfield/Westchester chapters serve the real estate finance professionals community in their respective locale by exchanging ideas through informal breakfast and luncheon programs, professional education seminars and periodic networking events.
Currently, Alleman is a senior consultant/business development manager for HRP Associates, Inc. in Farmington. HRP is a full-service environmental consulting firm that was founded 30 years ago and he has been with the company for over 27 years. In the early 1990s, the late Tim Harwood advised Alleman that he should join REFA to meet real estate professionals and learn about the industry. After serving on several boards within the Hartford chapter, he was appointed as Patrick Mulready's vice president in 2011. As president for the 2012/2013 season, Alleman is responsible for directing regularly scheduled programs and networking events, plus overseeing the quarterly board meetings.
The events provide excellent opportunities for members and potential new members to discuss the local and national real estate market in a casual atmosphere, typically followed by a sit down meal. Over the past several years, the networking opportunities for real estate professionals has expanded, and many deals and projects are openly presented not only in the formal program, but are also discussed amongst the attendees before and after the agenda. Clients, customers, venders and yes, competitors get to meet face to face. Strong friendships have emerged from these events. The highlights of the year include the Annual Gala in September and the June Golf Tournament in which both REFA-Connecticut Chapters participate.
This past year, each of the chapters donated $2,000 to their local Habitat for Humanity Organization. REFA supports Habitat's mission of eliminating poverty housing and will continue that dedication in the upcoming year.
With the economy showing signs of improvement, increased activity in real estate transactions is expected. Our directors and committee chairs are committed to providing valuable and insightful programs to generate opportunities for all members. Our goal is to continue to increase membership and sponsorship for the chapter.


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