Girvin of Chandler Company brokers $2.4 million sale of 67 Broad St.

February 08, 2008 - Spotlights

67 Broad Street - Boston, MA

Kenneth Girvin, principal of Chandler Company LLC, a Boston-based commercial real estate brokerage firm specializing in the sale and leasing of office and retail properties in the Greater Boston area, has brokered the sale of 67 Broad St. - a fully-leased, 10,000 s/f commercial building in the Financial District. The buyer is Westwood Capital.
Girvin, the only broker in the transaction, said that 67 Broad St. is a "jewel of a building" that should only appreciate in value with all the redevelopment activity in the area and its proximity to the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway and the streetscape improvements planned as part of the city's Crossroads Initiative.


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