Gov. Carceieri convenes panel to streamline permitting

July 08, 2009 - Rhode Island
Gov. Donald Carcieri has assembled a committee of state agency representatives to determine ways to streamline permitting of all kinds in Rhode Island. The Rhode Island Builders Association has called for streamlined permitting, particularly a "one-stop" system for development projects, for many years.
The first meeting of the panel took place on June 2nd.
"Four meetings are planned, and we will recommend steps to the governor to streamline projects. This would include not just building permits but the whole permitting process throughout state government," said building commissioner John Leyden told The Rhode Island Builder Report. "All state agencies have been asked to participate in this committee."
Along with Leyden, those serving on the committee include executive director Grover Fugate of the Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC), Dr. Michael Sullivan of the Dept. of Environmental Management (DEM), and state fire marshal John Chartier. Also serving are directors of other state agencies and several local planning officials. No private stakeholders are involved at this point.
Only an introductory meeting, attended by 25 people, had taken place as of this writing. A second meeting was planned for mid-June, Leyden said.
"There isn't much to talk about yet, but the goal is to streamline everything when it comes to doing projects in Rhode Island, and to bring in new business," Leyden said.

Paul Eno is the owner and editor-in-chief of New River Press, Woonsocket and is the editor of the monthly RIBA newsletter, The Rhode Island Builder Report.


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