Greenhouse gas emissions reporting deadline

October 20, 2009 - Green Buildings

Susan Bernstein

April 15th 2010 is the first annual reporting deadline for Greenhouse Gas ("GHG") Emissions in Massachusetts for facilities that: (1) have operating permits from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP") (Title V facilities under the Federal Clean Air Act) and emit GHG; (2) facilities that collectively emitted GHG in excess of 5,000 shorts tons per year of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO²e) during the previous calendar year; and (3) those previously required to report direct emissions (including all retail sellers of electricity, including electric distribution companies, municipal electric departments, municipal light boards, and competitive suppliers). The purpose behind these regulations is to identify GHG emissions and to eventually reduce them. In subsequent years, additional GHG emission factors will be developed that may increase the number of facilities required to report and expand the types of GHG to be reported. Beginning in April of 2009, certain requisite facilities were required to register their 2008 emissions.
Susan Bernstein, attorney at law, Needham, Mass.


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