Hillary vs Donald: The lesser of two evils - by Rick Kaplan

October 21, 2016 - Front Section

In 2016, the United States of America has some of the greatest minds in the world and all we can get to run for the President of the United States is Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Oh well, I guess it is what it is, now we have to figure out who will do the best job at not ruining our country and economy.

Now this is strictly my opinion. Yes he has had multiple bankruptcies, lied, and can’t control what he says. I guess with his talent of bringing his company out of bankruptcy and the attitude “I don’t care what I have to do to get the job done” might work as President. If you are in the commercial real estate industry, then I would think Donald Trump would be the best choice because it benefits himself and his business (isn’t that what a politician does). I also think that he is smart enough to realize that if you don’t know what you are doing then you bring in the right guy for the job.

What about Hillary Clinton. Yes she has deleted emails, lied, flip flopped on issues and that makes her a perfect politician. The one thing I can say for Hillary, is that she knows her way around the system and that could be a good thing. With her know how she might be able to get things done and push through bills and policy changes better than most. One problem: will they be the right changes for the country and not just for Clinton’s (we do know she does turn a blind eye to some Bills).

After a brief comparison of the candidates, they aren’t really that different.

What do you think of our two candidates? Which one is better for our commercial real estate industry?

Rick Kaplan is media director at the New England Real Estate Journal, Norwell, Mass.



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