Hirschen named partner at Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP

October 07, 2009 - Financial Digest
Richard Hirschen, CPA, has been elected a partner at Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP, certified public accountants. Hirschen joined Gray, Gray & Gray in 1996, and was promoted to manager in 2004. He is a member of the firm's employee benefit plan practice group, as well as providing accounting and audit services to a wide range of clients.
Hirschen is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants, and the New England Employee Benefits Council. He is a resident of Needham, MA, and a graduate of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

"We are very pleased to welcome Rich Hirschen into the partnership," said Joe Ciccarello. "His dedication to the firm and consistently high level of performance have been important contributing factors to the firm's growth. He has demonstrated his leadership abilities over the years, and we expect Rich to be a valuable and effective partner."

About Gray, Gray & Gray
Gray, Gray & Gray, LLP (www.gggcpas.com) is one of New England's leading independent accounting firms, and serves closely held companies in a broad range of industries. Gray, Gray & Gray is a member of CPAmerica International, a global network of independent accounting firms. Gray, Gray & Gray's offices are located at 34 Southwest Park, Westwood, MA and at 276 Union Avenue in Framingham, MA.


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