IFMA Facility Fusion Conference & Expo come to Boston March 23-25

March 03, 2011 - Owners Developers & Managers

Photographs from the 2010 Facility Fusion held in Philadelphia, Penn.

Photographs from the 2010 Facility Fusion held in Philadelphia, Penn.

Photographs from the 2010 Facility Fusion held in Philadelphia, Penn.

Photographs from the 2010 Facility Fusion held in Philadelphia, Penn.

Photographs from the 2010 Facility Fusion held in Philadelphia, Penn.

You've heard about it. You've read about it. You've considered attending it, but you're still not quite sure what it's all about.
To help you better understand the benefits of attending IFMA Facility Fusion Conference & Expo next month, the top 10 reasons why you should stop worrying about it and just get registered are below! To learn more or to register, visit
10. Same quality; different experience. If you've attended World Workplace, then you're well aware of IFMA's talent for producing high-level, high-energy and highly rewarding professional development events. IFMA brings the same standard of educational excellence to Facility Fusion, but scaled down from thousands of attendees to hundreds (good for networking); and focused exclusively on facility management rather than all aspects of the built environment (concentrated learning).
9. IFMA knows what keeps you up at night. Facility Fusion addresses specific areas of concern related to the management of facilities, facility teams and FM careers. Sessions are designed to give you a usable toolbox of cutting-edge best practices for supporting specialized facilities/industries, improving building performance, taking control of FM IT, preparing for emergency situations and competing for budget dollars.
8. Refine your softer FM skills. Are your baby boomers at odds with your Millennials? Unsure how to motivate your team? Not getting the buy-in you need from the higher-ups? Facility Fusion management training will not only help you identify and develop your strong points as a leader; but also recognize and build on the strengths of your multi-generational workforce for a more inspired and powerful team.
7. Recharge your "FM batteries." You've been huddled indoors for months-get out, get reconnected and get energized! It's no coincidence that Facility Fusion kicks off three days after the official first day of spring. The best cure for the winter blues is to get out of your daily routine and get into conversations with a supportive group of peers. Find new solutions to old problems and return home ready for action.
6. Tired of Googling "facility solutions?" Get off the computer and onto the expo floor to see for yourself what's out there! Facility Fusion's two-day expo adds a valuable layer to your learning experience. Exhibitors answer your questions and show you how to apply their products in your facility. Take away a neat gadget you've seen in action or the number for a new vendor you've met personally.
5. Broaden your perspectives. Take a look at what others are doing in their facilities. Facility tours give you an inside look at a world-class bio-tech property (Center for Life Science), a magnificent renovation project (Trinity Church) and an environmentally conscious hotel (the Westin). See what practices other FMs have introduced to correct issues you've struggled with.
4. Meet your career development goals. If you're a young or transitioning FM, then follow the sessions under the Emerging Leaders track-explore opportunities for growth in the profession. If you're ready to gain recognition for your expertise and commitment to professionalism, then sign up for pre-conference IFMA courses (March 19th-22nd) - begin or complete requirements for your FMP or prepare for the CFM exam.
3. Meet your employer's expectations. Have you been asked to make a more noticeable contribution to the triple bottom line? Have you lost track of your time management skills? Has confidence in your ability to deal with crisis situations waned? Make sure you're as high-performance as your facility-sessions focused on leadership skills will send you home with increased self-assurance.
2. Meet folks like you. Visit with fellow attendees at the Welcome Reception. Kick back with IFMA Boston chapter members at the Boston Facili T Pahty. Share best practices for membership recruitment, retention and benefits with other IFMA officers. Get focused solutions to specialized challenges through the Council/Industry-specific program-sessions assist those who support health care, corporate real estate, research and development, campuses or consulting practices.
1. It's being held in Boston! How convenient is that? IFMA-quality education, networking with the FM community, exhibitors, renowned speakers, special events and activities, and IFMA staff-all coming to us! This is an exceptional opportunity to take advantage of professional resources within easy reach.

Let's capitalize on the opportunity and convene at the Westin-Boston Waterfront, March 23rd-25th!
Review the full program, see who's speaking, present your employer with valid reasons for attending and register online at


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