IFMA president's message: Makeing IFMA work for you

September 06, 2012 - Owners Developers & Managers

Joe Flynn, Margulies Perruzzi Architects

September rolls around again, and in Boston, the nation's capital of higher education, there is a renewed 'back-to-school' spirit in the air as we all bid adieu to summer. As is always the case, the Program Committee kicks off its season with a very exciting event, a presentation and Tour of the Tea Party Ships & Museum. This program becomes IFMA Boston's first official "field trip" for the 2012-2013 season and gives us all good reason to get the permission slips signed and begin networking again!
I have always thought of our organization as one large, extended family. Over the years I have had the distinct pleasure of interacting with so many incredibly talented and experienced professionals through the various programs and events hosted by our chapter. There is absolutely no question that the relationships that I have developed through IFMA, have provided me with a wide variety of tools with which to manage my career. It is an organization with a deep sense of history and tradition, but also, and perhaps most importantly, an unwavering commitment to its members. And so, it is with great, and sincere pride that I embrace stewardship as president of the IFMA Boston Chapter.
I would be remiss to not take this opportunity to openly thank Alicia Dernier for her leadership over the past 2 years. In her stead, she carefully navigated a heightened level of collaboration throughout the chapter. Through her gentle persistence, she managed to carefully thread together the various committee objectives. Her visionary oversight created a spirit of teamwork that had previously never before had been achieved in our chapter. Her legacy, in IFMA Boston will be felt for many years and she truly does deserve a standing ovation for her commitment and perseverance to strengthening our sense of community.

Many years ago, I spoke at a New Member breakfast. From the bottom of my heart, I expressed a very simple concept to all of the new faces in the room. I explained that while I had attended many meetings and presentations of IFMA through the years, it was not until I volunteered to join a committee, that I began to understand the power of 'family' in the organization. It was through that experience that I started to develop true, and meaningful business and social relationships. By getting involved, by participating, I became more integrally linked to the community of IFMA and so, the experience became rich to me.
That message of "get involved!" remains true today still. As President, my personal mission is to make certain that all of our members, all of our volunteers and all of our sponsors are becoming more connected to the spirit of family in this chapter. I truly do want every individual to get the most out of their experience with IFMA Boston. It is my responsibility to reach out, and to engage everyone. My job, is to make this organization work - for you.

In closing, I would like to take this opportunity thank to the entire IFMA Boston community for entrusting me with this prestigious charter. I look forward to bring our chapter to the next level of its success - with the help of all of you!
Joe Flynn, LEED AP is the 2012 president of IFMA Boston.


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