Innovative solution to remove VOC's, fumes and odors economically!!

January 20, 2010 - Green Buildings

John Vallier

The Bio-Systems Clean Air Plant (CAP) and Clean Water Plant (CWP), are 100% Bio-hygienic and will remove even the smallest particulate from the air or water. Once the particulates have been drawn to the system they are then destroyed by a special Bio-Detergent. These systems are unlike any other on the market today. While they are fully sustainable Green technology, they are also extremely effective and superior to conventional treatment methods such as Carbon, HEPA and Thermal Oxidation. The reduction of air exchange has proven to save energy, heating costs and A/C costs.
CAP was tested on a chronic problem at the Mass. Bay Commuter Rail (MBCR) maintenance facility in Somerville. Many MBCR office personnel complained about headaches and nausea due to diesel fumes migrating into the offices. Small particles, fumes and Carbon Monoxide can cause multiple health problems for those exposed for long or even short periods of time.
"After the CAP was installed complaints virtually disappeared," said a letter from Thomas Ford, senior facility engineer for the MBCR . The MBCR had a particulate test performed before and after a CAP90 unit had been running for 2 months. There was close to an 85% reduction in .3 micron particulates. Dr. Sam Sofer, Inventor of the CAP technology says, "Diesel particles and other VOC's are becoming more and more harmful as many changes to control air pollution are actually producing smaller particulates, which are the most harmful to humans." An additional or larger unit will easily bring the percentage of destruction close to 100%.
How the systems work-The earth has a natural electrical field. Indoors this field is distorted by the electrical characteristic of materials in equipment, furniture, walls, clothing, and carpets. Electrical fields rather than air currents are the primary determinant of small-particulate motion. Small particulates tend to move along with the electrical field lines. Very few small particulates make it into air ducts therefore few reach the filters.
CAP works by neutralizing these electrical currents, enabling these particles to travel to the unit where they are digested by the bio-detergent. CAP systems will handle ANY organic air contaminant.
The CAP system draws air into the center of the unit first cleaning the zone immediately around the machine then expanding to clean the walls, ceilings, and surfaces eventually creating a complete clean-air zone.
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John Vallier is the vice president sales at Bio-Cascade, Inc., Readville, MA,

By keeping the clean-air zone electrically grounded, the units "wash" the air with water that is grounded to the pump. The air grounds particles, whether positively or negatively charged, and attracts them from great distances. Even the smallest units will attract particles in a 30 to 40 foot range.
CAP systems will remove and destroy Carbon Monoxide, diesel fumes, gasoline fumes, hair and nail salon odors, mold and other spores, viruses, air borne bacteria, VOC's, odors of any type, printing chemical fumes, Hydrogen sulfide, silica and other dusts, ammonia and much more.
The Clean Water Plant or CWP is most often used to treat industrial wastewater. In some cases the water that has been cleaned can be reused. At a minimum, water treatment costs will be drastically reduced. CWP systems are superior to other water treatment systems in their effectiveness and affordability.
CAP and CWP are both patented systems and are distributed and serviced by Bio-Cascade, Inc. Bio-Cascade is so confident in their systems that they are offering a guaranteed solution to your air or water treatment problems. At no cost to you, one of their representatives will come to your location, explain more about our clean systems, tour your facility and provide you with a proposed solution to your pollution problems. Their goal is to help you and your company provide your customers and employees with a healthy environment.


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