Wallingford, CT The Connecticut chapter had a very active winter and spring months with many educational offerings, general business meetings and networking events. The photographs from all the events are posted on the chapter’s Facebook page and chapter’s website.
Please feel free to tag your photo in these events.
• Follow IREM on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/IREM-CT-Chapter-51
• Chapter website www.irem-ct.org
IREM Connecticut has also added a couple of IREM National (CPM) required courses to the fall schedule. Please visit the website to register for these courses. You can also register online at the chapter website www.iremconnecticut@gmail.com
If you are a CPM candidate working towards your Certified Property Managers designation and you are interested in signing up, contact the chapter. Reminder, they only offer these courses a few time a year in the New England area. Please take advantage of the offerings and contact the chapter by emailing iremconnecticut@gmail.com
David McGuill, 2017 chapter president is looking forward to hosting the chapters 2017 strategic planning meeting in late August. If you are a member in good standard and you are interested in participating on the Connecticut chapters board level, please reach out to the chapter. Volunteering is very important to the chapter’s success.