IREM-RI Chapter 88 celebrates 35 year anniversary

June 07, 2012 - Rhode Island

Julie Terry, CPM 20th anniversary as an IREM member with chapter president, Richard Hitt, CPM.

IREM national president-elect, Beth Machen, CPM, and chapter president Richard Hitt, CPM.

Sheila Nevola, CPM and Beverly Courville, CPM received their Emeritus designation with chapter president Richard Hitt, CPM.

CPM Candidate of the Year was awarded to Holly Regoli from CB Richard Ellis. Shown (from left) are: Richard Hitt, Holly Regoli and Kathleen Manzi.

ARM of the Year was awarded to Yadira Espaillat, ARM, CPMC, from Property Advisory Group. Shown (from left) are: Richard Hitt, Yadira Espaillat and Jason Martins.

Karen Fagundes, associate member received Associate of the Year Award from chapter president, Richard Hitt, CPM.

Friend of IREM of the Year - Sanichem Inc. Cathy Markman, Richard Hitt, CPM and Harvey Markman.

Shown (from left) are: Sheila Nevola, CPM; John Bentz, CPM; Region I VP Robert Cuttle, and chapter president Richard Hitt, CPM.

CPM of the Year was awarded to Kathleen Manzi, CPM from Phoenix Property Management. Shown (from left) are: Richard Hitt and Kathleen Manzi.

Shown are Melanie Carpenter, Rhonda Bernatonis and Joe Malaga of Cox Communications.

Shown (from left) are: Chapter 88 president, Richard Hitt, CPM; Region I VP, Robert Cuttle, CPM; IREM National president-elect, Beth Machen, CPM; Boston Chapter president, Jonathan Donahue, CPM; IREM senior VP, Chris Mellen, CPM.

IREM Chapter 88 past presidents

Institute of Real Estate Management Greater Rhode Island Chapter No. 88 celebrated its 35 year anniversary with an awards night on May 9 at Kirkbrae Country Club. The guest speaker was 2013 IREM national president-elect Beth Machen, CPM. IREM-RI presented the first Lifetime Achievement Award and also had recognition awards for CPM of the Year, CPM Candidate of the Year, ARM of the Year, Friend of IREM, Past Presidents and AMO.


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