As the construction industry grows, it becomes more complex and nuanced. While construction is the tie that binds all of ABC together, members have a vast array of talents and interests. ABC committees provide an outlet for those members to grow in their areas of interests while simultaneously contributing to our chapter.
For years, the greatest challenge for our organization and the construction industry as a whole has been finding qualified talent to meet the demands of a growing industry. One of the ways ABC develops programs to address this need is through our Human Resources Committee, where HR professionals and other personnel decision makers exchange ideas about both attracting employees to construction and retaining those workers.
And we don’t just focus on the present. A vibrant Future Leaders Council engages member company employees who are under 40 to both strengthen the organization and create a pipeline of young talent for member companies.
In a state like Massachusetts, ensuring that open shop contractors can compete requires constant vigilance. For years, ABC’s Government Affairs Committee has developed strategies to promote members’ right to compete on a level playing field. Whether it’s in the state Legislature or the boards that oversee licensed trades, the committee has developed an impressive record of ensuring that our voice is heard in the halls of power.
Of course, none of what ABC does would be possible without a healthy membership base. The Membership Committee works on ways to recruit new members and retain existing ones. In recent years, ABC Massachusetts has consistently won multiple awards from our national organization for the excellence of our membership efforts.
In recent years, both the number and quality of our events has increased. Part of the credit belongs to the Events Committee, works to develop events that members value and promote more active engagement with the organization.
In addition, we also have safety and marketing committees. ABC or Gould Construction Institute staff are assigned to each committee.
Below is a list of each committee and the staff person assigned to it:
Human Resources: Patty DeVito – Patty@abcma.org
Future Leaders: Ken Ledwak – Ken@abcma.org
Government Affairs: Molly Reagan – Molly@abcma.org
Membership: Ken Ledwak
Events: Dan Gearin – Dan@abcma.org
Marketing: Venus Williams – Venus@abcma.org
Safety: Diane Craven – Diane@gwgci.org
If you’re interested in honing your skills while helping ABC, reach out to the appropriate staff member and get involved!
Joseph Camilo is the chairman of Associated Builders and Contractors Inc.-Mass. Chapter, Woburn and is the vice president/general manager at Tocco Building Systems, Billerica, Mass.