We all prefer good times to bad, but as we in the construction industry know, good times also bring their share of challenges. As I look back on my year as chairman, I keep coming back to that thought.
Finding the people to meet construction demand has been our number one priority, and I’m happy to say that we’ve made great progress in that area. Building Mass Careers has gone from just a website and a concept to a real tool for helping member companies address labor shortages by building a talent pipeline.
We have established a resume bank, and instead of ABC seeking out job and career fairs, organizers of the events are asking us to participate. Guidance counselors who have long struggled with how to help students who aren’t bound for college now counsel them to reach out to the program and consider a career in construction. Director of workforce development Steve and Gould Construction Institute president Julie Kelliher sometimes bring in representatives from member companies to talk with students.
Membership is the foundation of everything we do, and that too has been a bright spot in 2019, thanks to the hard work of membership director Ken Ledwak and members like you who reach out to your associates on ABC’s behalf.
We have 80 new members in 2019 and are closing in on our goal of 500. Membership is up 9%, our seventh consecutive year of growth. It is also our sixth consecutive year of having a member retention rate of 90% or better. The Massachusetts Chapter is currently leading its division for the Mullan Award, which honors the chapter that submits the most national dues among similarly sized chapters. We won the award last year, and winning twice in a row is virtually unprecedented.
Many challenges still lie ahead, but I couldn’t be more confident that 2020 chair Joe Camilo of Tocco Building Systems will ably handle all of them.
It has been one of the great honors of my professional life to serve as ABCMA chair this year. Thank you, and I hope you all happy holidays and a happy and prosperous new year.
Karl Hudson is the chairman of Associated Builders and Contractors Inc. -Mass. Chapter, Woburn and is vice president of L.C. Anderson, Inc., Brighton, Mass.