It's time to fire up the barbeque - but do so safely

May 12, 2010 - Spotlights

Lisa Hartman, Albert Risk Management Consultants

The warm weather is approaching and it's time to fire up the barbeque. But do so safely. Thousands of fires occur each year due to barbeque related fires. Buildings are damaged, people are injured and sometimes, people die. There are a few rules property owners and managers should put in place so that tenants cooking outdoors can enjoy themselves and stay safe!
Rules for Barbeque Safety:
√ Inform all residents and prospective residents, in writing, that the use and storage of charcoal or gas barbecue grills and open-flames devices (such as fire pits) is prohibited on decks, balconies, garages, kitchens or any other location near a building.
√ Establish a designated safe grilling area or consider obtaining fixed grills for resident use. Check with your local fire department for minimum distance between grill and outside of buildings.
√ Enforce safety recommendations by incorporating language into leases and covenants prohibiting the use and storage of barbeque grills and open-flame devices outside of designated areas.
In case of Fire:
√ For Propane Grills, turn off the burners.
√ For Charcoal Grills, close the grill lid.
√ For Electric Grills, disconnect the power to the grill.
√ For Propane Grills, if you can safely reach the tank valve, shut it off.
√ If the fire involves the tank, leave it alone, evacuate the area and call the fire department (911).
√ If there is any type of fire that either threatens your personal safety or endangers the property, always dial 911.
√ NEVER attempt to extinguish a grease fire with water. It will only cause the flames to flare up. Use a portable fire extinquisher.
Outdoor barbeques are often a great way to spend leisure time, however, they have their own set of unique fire risks that should not be underestimated. Some common sense preparation can ensure your tenants have a safe and enjoyable experience.
Lisa Hartman, ARM is the director of claims and loss management at Albert Risk Management Consultants, Needham, Mass.



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