J. Michael Abbott 2012

June 07, 2012 - Rhode Island

Michael Abbott, Northeast Collaborative Architects, LLC

Name: J. Michael Abbott
Title: Principal
Company: Northeast Collaborative Architects, LLC
Location: 38 Washington Sq., Newport, RI 02840
Place of birth: Ohio
Family: Married
College: Miami Univ., Oxford, Ohio
First job outside of real estate: Hospital orderly
First job in real estate or allied field: Stanley Tigerman Associates - Chicago
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: We are a multi-disciplinary practice with specialties in hospitality, education, residential and historic rehabilitation.
Hobbies: Gardening, chickens and movies
Favorite Book: The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
Favorite Movie: The Stuntman with Peter O'Toole
Key to success: Listen to your client and then break the mold once in a while
Person you most admire (outside of family): Thomas Jefferson
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be: Movie director


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