Jack Conway Realtor's team up with Prism Energy to "go green"

November 10, 2011 - Front Section

Conway CEO Carol Bulman (left) and Prism Energy Services president Wendy Simmons look over some of the materials being used in a "green energy" project at Conway HQ.

Jack Conway Realtor's headquarters was the first of seven Conway buildings slated to implement recommendations from energy audits conducted by Prism Energy Services of Quincy within the next few weeks. Conway CEO Carol Bulman and Prism president and founder Wendy Simmons serve together on the board of directors of the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, and it was there that the two women decided to join forces to effect a "Green Plan" for Conway Country.
"It's really a win/win situation for both of our firms," said Bulman. "Wendy's company is finding ways that we can save money on our energy costs, while showing us how to help the environment at the same time."
For Simmons, the Conway Co. will be another example of a satisfied client that has been able to cut energy costs by receiving a customized report on its current usage versus state-of-the-art energy efficiency measures recommended by Prism.
"We will take a personal approach to the Jack Conway Co. as we do with every one of our clients," said Simmons whose firm has been helping commercial companies go green for more than 10 years. "Lighting is what we look at first, then thermostats, and such things as insulation on hot water pipes. Our goal is to recommend creative energy conservation solutions that can help our clients save up to 30% on their monthly energy costs."
For Bulman, the lower bills are welcome, but Prism's "green" advice is just as important. "Of course we want to save money," she said. "But we also want to do the right thing for the environment. We started the energy audit with our largest building here at headquarters, but the plan is to move to all of our other offices from Swampscott to Cape Cod. Many of our sales centers are located in beautiful antique buildings, and we love the homey atmosphere of those offices, but they may not always be the most energy efficient. With Prism's help, they will be."
Bulman and Simmons initially met through the chamber of commerce, and chamber CEO Peter Forman said that's a benefit of the group's membership.
"The Chamber is excited about this announcement," said Forman. "Two businesses connected through their involvement in the South Shore Chamber of Commerce are now partnering for some big results. That's what helps make the South Shore stronger. "
Jack Conway & Co. is celebrating its 54th anniversary with 40 sales offices from the North Shore to Boston, Cape Cod and the South Coast.



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