Jamie Moore 2011

November 10, 2011 - Rhode Island

Jamie Moore, Rhode Island Assn. of Realtors

Name: Jamie Moore
Title: President
Organization: Rhode Island Assn. of Realtors
Company: Jamie Moore Appraisal Inc.
Title: President
Location: Warwick
Place of birth: Manchester, Conn.
Family: Husband, Brian; children Brittany and Connor
College: Providence College
First job unrelated to your current field: marketing & sales
First job in current field: Keith White Appraisal-Warwick
What your firm does now: residential appraisals
Hobbies: walking and kayaking
Favorite novel: Cold Sassy Tree
Favorite film: Singing in the Rain
Keys to success: Hard work and enjoy what you do
Person you most admire (outside of family): Mary Landreville
If you had to chose a different profession, what would it be?: Flight attendant


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