Janice Greenwood 2009

June 11, 2009 - Spotlights

Janice Greenwood

Name: Janice Greenwood, PE
Title: Vice President
Company: Woodard & Curran
Location: 95 Cedar St., Suite 100, Providence, RI 02903
Place of birth and year: Norwalk, Conn. - 1959
College: University of Delaware, BSCE
First job unrelated to your current field: Charleston Naval Shipyard, 1980 Naval architect
First job in current field: Pease Air Force base, 1982 environmental engineer
What your firm does now and its plans for the future?: Manage engineering and consulting services for real estate clients
Hobbies: Skiing, beach, home maintenance
Favorite novel: Anything by David Baldacci
Keys to success: Tap into your network, communicate and ask questions


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