Jim Pereira 2011

June 02, 2011 - Northern New England

Jim Pereira, Martini Northern

Name: Jim Pereira
Title: Director of Project Development
Company: Martini Northern
Location: Portsmouth, NH
Place of Birth and Year: New Orleans
Family: Wife & two daughters
College: Southeastern Louisiana University
First Job Unrelated to your current field: None - been in real estate & development for 37 years!
First Job in current field: Mixed-use high rise and planned community developments in New Orleans.
What You Do Now and Plans for the Future?: Enjoy working with clients to plan, develop and construct facilities of all types. Plan to expand this work and spend more time with family.
Hobbies: New Orleans-style cooking and mentoring young professionals
Keys to Success: Strong, trusted relationships. Listen & observe. Be resourceful and never give up!
Person(s) You Most Admire (outside of family): Churchill, Reagan, H. Ross Perot
If You Had To Choose a Different Profession, What Would It Be?: Church design/builder



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