JM Coull completes lab for Northeastern University

April 19, 2012 - Construction Design & Engineering
JM Coull, Inc. completed construction of a new laboratory for Northeastern University for the study of aging. The reconfigured and renovated space is the new Lifespan Emotional Development Laboratory (LEDlab).
JM Coull built the laboratory on an 8-week schedule. Construction work was confined to the evening hours until the university's winter break, when restrictions were lifted for a final push to completion.
Research funded by the National Institute on Aging will be conducted by Dr. Derek Isaacowitz, associate professor of psychology, who will investigate the link between attention and emotion throughout the adult lifespan
Prof. Isaacowitz' research requires a sound-proof environment, so the team faced engineering challenges in attenuating sounds from adjacent spaces, especially other laboratories directly overhead. The solution included an acoustically-treated wall system and multiple layers of ceilings and doors. Final testing showed that the space exceeded expectations for sound isolation.
This is the third laboratory JM Coull has built for Northeastern University within an occupied building. In this case, the construction area was bordered on all sides, top and bottom by academic and research areas.
"JM Coull is known for this type of work," said project manager Marc Moschella. "Many of our clients have ongoing activities that need to be left undisturbed during the construction process. The key is in figuring out how to meet the schedule while maintaining some semblance of normalcy for the client."


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