John Wareck 2010

June 03, 2010 - Connecticut

John Wareck

Name: John Wareck
Title: President
Company: Wareck Real Estate, LLC
Location: New Haven, Conn.
Birthplace: New York City
Birth Date: August 19, 1969
Family: Two daughters
College: Ohio Wesleyan University; executive real estate training at MIT Center for R.E.
First job outside of real estate: Newspaper reporter
First job in real estate or allied field: Property/portfolio management
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Real estate developer and broker. We have been successful commercial Realtors for 12 years. 16 months ago we pushed into the residential market as well and we are excited to see that division now flourishing.
Favorite book: "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Favorite movie: "The Shawshank Redemption"
Key to success: Hard work
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be?: Stand-up comic


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